Friday, February 12, 2010


On Sept 26th & 27th 2009, Neil Geoghegan travelled to CrossFit N.Ireland in Lurgan for the second UK CrossFit Level 1 Certification. Here is his story...

After a lengthy flight delay on Friday night, I eventually made it to Lurgan at 00:15 tired and weary and ready to collapse, just the ideal preparation required for a CrossFit Level 1 Cert!

Arriving at CrossFit N.Ireland the following morning, excited and unsure as to what to expect, I strategically positioned myself in the front row of seats. After the CrossFit trainers had been introduced, we got started with a lecture on “What is CrossFit”. In case you're wondering, the short answer is, “Constantly Varied Functional Movement Performed at High Intensity”.

The next lecture focused on “What is Fitness” or more specific “What is Crossfit’s definition of Fitness! You are only as fit as you are competent in the following 10 skills, cardiovascular endurance, stamina, strength, flexibility, power, coordination, agility, balance and accuracy. CrossFit develops improvement in each of these skills.

The next lecture introduced the first three of the nine basic CrossFit functional movements, the Air Squat was first up, next was the Front Squat, then the Overhead Squat. The mechanics of the Air Squat should be mastered before progressing onto the Front Squat, and likewise with the Overhead Squat, the later two are later incorporated into the two Olympic lifts, the Clean and Jerk and the Snatch.

Once we had been drilled in the Squats it was time for a little treat, a group session of Tabata Squats, 20 secs of Squats followed by 10 secs of rest performed 8 times.


Next up was the Shoulder Press, the Push Press and then the Push Jerk. As with the Squats, the Shoulder Press should be mastered before progressing onto the Push Press, and then the Push Jerk, the later incorporated with the Front Squat into the Clean and Jerk.

Above Pat Barber of Crossfit HQ drills us in the Shoulder Press.


The final three movements covered began with the Deadlift, and learning to lift a load safely off the floor, next was the Sumo Deadlift High Pull and then the Medicine Ball Clean. Again the Deadlift should be mastered before progression onto the Sumo Deadlift High Pull and then the Clean. The Deadlift cannot be understated it is the fundamental movement in the two Olympic lifts, the Clean and Jerk and the Snatch, and the ability to execute it correctly greatly enhances capacity in these lifts.

After a well earned rest it was time for another little treat, a WOD which goes by the name of Fran. Thrusters (Front Squat & Shoulder Press) and Pull-ups, performed in rounds of 21-15-9 reps. Click the link below to see Fran demonstrated by the current CrossFit Games Champion Mikko Salo.

The second day began with lectures on Nutrition before moving onto Program Design, next up was a refresh of the Push Jerk and the Medicine Ball Clean, after this we had a quick introduction to the Glute Ham Developer or GHD a piece of equipment that can be used to perform Hip Extensions, Back Extensions and Sit-ups using a full range of motion.

The final practical of the weekend saw us taken through the progressions for the Kipping Pull-up, the Muscle-up and the Snatch, before another little treat. An AMRAP (as many rounds as possible) in 10 mins of, 7 Sumo Deadlift High Pull, 7 Push-ups and 7 Box Jumps. A final Q&A session followed before finishing and collecting our Level 1 Certificates.

A fantastic weekend meeting new friends and developing some new aches and pains, going up a down stairs, and trying to get up from a chair an increased challenge in the days after.

Regular CrossFit training has not only benefitted my general fitness levels, but also has greatly increased my core strength, both of which have transferred over to my Ninpo training. It feels as if I am more robust especially when being thrown a lot, which is the case at the moment with training the Kukishin Ryu Patterns!

I would advise anyone who is interested in CrossFit to try some classes at CrossFit Hove, and maybe sometime in the future to attend the Level 1 Cert to progress your understanding of the CrossFit methods.

There is also an upcoming 'CrossFit Intro Course, at CrossFit Hove, on Sunday March 21st 2010.

Email Miles Key for more details:

Neil Geoghegan

Tuesday, February 2, 2010


What Is Shiatsu?

Shiatsu is an ancient Oriental system of healing and Medicine. It uses touch, pressure-points and gentle stretches to relax, re-balance, heal and revitalize a person’s health. It is a therapy with roots similar to Acupuncture, with the understanding that every part effects and reflects the overall balance of a person. By connecting on the energetic level, with the aim of harmonizing the person’s Ki (energy/life force), Shiatsu is equally effective for treating physical, emotional and psychologically related conditions.

What Will You Learn On This Course?

This Introductory Course is designed to give you a basic understanding and practice of the fundamental skills and theory of Shiatsu, whether you intend to use it as a hobby or as an introduction to ‘The Shiatsu College Professional Training Program’.

We will cover plenty of basic Shiatsu techniques and sequences, simple exercises and meditations to develop ki and our awareness of it. Also we will explore the concept of ki & pressure points and have a glance at yin/yang and 5 elements theory.

What Conditions Respond Well To Shiatsu?

Shiatsu can treat a wide range of specific and complex conditions, or be simply enjoyed for its relaxing and preventative qualities.

Some examples:

• Tension & stiffness of muscles and joints

• Stress, depression, anxiety and fear

• Back problems

• Sport/physical injuries

• Fatigue, tiredness and insomnia

• Headaches and migraines

• Digestive, Respiratory and Immunity disorders

• Menstrual and menopausal problems

• Arthritic and rheumatic conditions

What to wear:

Please wear appropriate clothes such as warm, loose layers of clothing

and a pair of socks.


March 28th 2010

10am - 4pm


The Wilbury School of Natural Therapy

274 Dyke Road



For Bookings Contact:

The Wilbury School

Tel: 01273 552766


For More Info:
